
This is how the rules of money changed in 2020 May 26, 2020

New rules of money

The Coronavirus shutdown this year has changed the rules of money in a number of ways.

Here are 3 key ways in which the rules of money have changed.

1 – ZIRP is here to stay

The Reserve Bank in Australia has signaled that interest rates will be stuck at the effective...

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This is why you need a systematic written plan May 24, 2020

What is systematic investing?

Success in investing over time is more about process than outcome.

A good process will not mean all your investments are winners, of course.

After all, every investment involves a mixture of skill and luck.

You can control your skill or your process, but you...

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This is why you CAN’T rely solely on your labour May 23, 2020

4 factors of production

How can you thrive in the modern Australian economy?

Here’s how…

You need to recognise that there are 4 factors of production, and these are:

(i) Land – nothing productive can flourish without land, and therefore well-located real estate will...

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This is how to optimise your personal development & growth May 21, 2020

Optimising growth and results

The self-determination theory (SDT) holds that there are THREE innate human needs which we must satisfy if we want to optimise our personal development, growth, and ultimately, results.

If you want to realise your full potential, these three needs which you...

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This is why you should find YOUR durable advantage May 17, 2020

VRIO framework

Today let’s consider a 4-question framework or strategic tool for analysing the resources and capabilities of a business.

The VRIO framework was a business school staple of the 1990s, and it still has great value today in terms of business strategy and market positioning.


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This is why ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ was SUCH a great book May 16, 2020

Understand assets & liabilities

I was interested to see Robert Kiyosaki back in Australian news this week, as he was interviewed by my good friend Michael Yardney for the outstanding Yardney podcast.

Somewhat scarily it’s now nearly 25 years (!) since Kiyosaki became famous for his...

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This is why you need to build your own nest egg May 13, 2020

Pension reliance

I’ve lost count of the number of pension scandals we’ve seen in Britain over the years.

The repeated malfeasance left me inherently sceptical about relying on someone else to secure one’s retirement years.

If you don’t learn to make money for yourself, to...

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This is how to consider risk & asymmetric bets May 13, 2020

Risk matrix

The traditional view of risk management invites us to consider a risk matrix, wherein we assess the probability of any given adverse event occurring, and the severity of its impact should it come to pass.

Businesses normally undertake such a risk assessment as...

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