This is why it’s a great time to revisit our 4Fs model
Apr 07, 2020The 4Fs revisited
Many of us are finding we must spend more time at home this year, for unforeseen reasons.
It’s a great opportunity, therefore, to revisit our 4Fs model.
Our general belief is that you need each of the 4Fs to be in balance.
To recap, the 4Fs are: Fun, Fitness, Finance, and Filosophy (or if you’re like me and you can’t stand that spelling…philosophy!):
You can work your own way back through our earlier blog posts for a little more detail on each of the 4Fs.
Seminal life events
My colleague Stephen and I always say that there are two seminal life events when it gradually dawns on you that the days are long, but the years are short.
These are:
(i) when you retire; and
(ii) for those of us with children, when the kids fly the nest.
What are you going to do for Fun with 24 spare hours in a day?
What will your ideal day actually look like?
We can tell you that while you might enjoy a round of golf, you can’t play golf 24/7!
You need a broader and more inspirational plan than that.
The second F is Fitness, because without your health then the other three parts of the quadrant will have far less meaning to you.
You can’t get this stuff out of a handbook, because while I might like a morning run on the beach and meditation, Steve might enjoy a morning constitutional and a brisk walk to his local northside coffee shop for a yack with friends (at least when the quarantine measures are lifted).
There’s no one size fits all, so you need to find something that works for you, because then you’re more likely to do it consistently.
Make use of your downtime
On the Finance side of things, we’re heading into a global recession, and we have well over a century of history to show us that this will inevitably throw up countless amazing investment opportunities.
As such this is a great time to be patient, study, read widely, and learn.
Because rest assured those wonderful opportunities will come around in due course.
Your philosophy sets the sail
Finally, your Philosophy is what sets the sail, as I discussed in this video previously here.
If you haven’t done so already, emails us to take our free Enneagram Test and get your free investment map, because this will help you to understand your personality, underlying motivations, and decision making.
Understanding your personality type is a powerful tool for understanding what you’re most motivated to do (and, importantly. not to do).
We’ve also found this to be remarkably useful for understanding your beliefs…and especially your money beliefs.
Some people want more wealth to retire, or study and learn languages, or volunteer.
Others want more to be able to spend, and some want more to be in a position to help other people.
Many folks are horrified by the prospect of retirement and the thought of finding something to do with all those empty hours!
There’s no right or wrong, only what’s most relevant to you and your belief systems.
I discussed some of these points in the short video here
Whenever you’re ready… here are 4 ways we can help you manage your own money and go next level wealth:
- Boom or Bust in 2021 – 20 minute online workshop for investors
Register for my next free online training - Boom or Bust? How to change your investment plan for 2021 - book in here
- Subscribe to our Top 100 Podcast for Investors
Listen in to our new podcast - The Low Rates High Returns Show - Apple , Spotify , SoundCloud
- Join our Implementation Program
We’re putting together a new coaching case study group this month for private investors. If you’d like to get the plan, tools and timeless principles for managing your money and creating next level wealth … just send an email to [email protected] with the word “Case Study” and we'll get you more details.
- Work with me privately
If you’d like to work directly with me and Stephen Moriarty directly to help you map out and action your next level wealth plan… just send an email to [email protected] with the word “private”… tell me a little about your situation and what you’d like help with, and we’ll get you all the details!