This is why you're in a comfort zone (and 6 ways to break out of it)

Jun 11, 2023

Avoiding stressors

Life in the comfort zone can feel fuzzy and familiar, and it helps us to avoid fear, anxiety, and stress.

Naturally enough, therefore, most people seek a comfort zone and nestle snugly into it. 

One one level, it makes sense.

And arguably it's not that hard in Australia - especially at this stage in the economic cycle, when we have full employment and a job for everyone who wants one - to earn a pretty decent living!

On the other hand, if we always stay in a comfort zone we miss out on most of life's potentially rich experiences and the thrill of being alive, as well as the countless opportunities for growth, learning, and success.

Or as Jim Collins said:

"Good is the enemy of great...few people have great lives, because it's too easy to settle for a good life."

Good to great

How, then, to break out of your comfort zone?

Here are 6 ways you can do it:

1 - Try or learn something completely new

2 - Tackle a major challenge you've always wanted to take on

2 - Confront a fear you've previously found debilitating

3 - Rip up and change your daily or weekly routine

5 - Radically expand your professional networks and skill-sets

6 - Resolve to mix with more positive, successful, and like-minded people - their attitude will invariably rub off on you. 

Onwards and upwards...

Getting out of the comfort zone is one of the key themes for the new intake of my 12-month coaching program, kicking off on 1 July.

It's not a coaching program for everyone, though.

It's only for people who genuinely want to do something bigger and better with their lives over the next 5 to 10 years. 

I discussed this a little further in the short video below.

Tune in here.

Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways I can help you manage your own money and go next level wealth:

  1. Boom or Bust in 2023 – 20 minute online workshop for investors

Register for my next free online training - Boom or Bust? How to change your investment plan for 2023 - book in here

You also download a free copy of my e-book The Only 6 Ways to Become Wealthy here.

  1. Subscribe to our Top 10 Podcasts for Investors

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If you’d like to work directly with me directly to help you map out and action your next level wealth plan… just send an email to [email protected] with the word “private”…tell me a little about your situation and what you’d like help with, and I’ll get you all the details!