This is how to deal with uncertainty: Problem, prescription...results!

Jun 17, 2023

How to deal with uncertainty

It's been an unusual few years, to say the least!

And as humans we tend to crave information about the future, in the same way we crave food or other things that make us feel good.

So in that context it's been a tough time for many Aussies. 

How best to deal with uncertainty? 

Well...looking back, I've been coaching for a dozen years now, and thinking about it nobody has ever come to me and said that everything's gone perfectly.

The real world simply doesn't work like that.

So firstly, be kind to yourself about the things that didn't work out (aim to see them as lessons) and reflect positively on the skills and results that you have achieved.

That's step one, then. Learn from the setbacks, and build on the wins! 

Secondly, try switching off the media for a while. 

Online media and social media can be an absolute wall of white noise which holds you back, both in investing and in life. 

Thirdly, be open-minded to building new knowledge and learning new skills, as the world is seemingly moving and changing faster than ever. 

Fourthly, be good to yourself. Feed yourself good food to fuel your day, limit the toxins (you know what I mean!), and find fun and enjoyable ways to move your body, exercise, and enjoy your spare time. 

Fifthly, build a support network of friends, experts, and mentors...this can include reading books and listening to podcasts, as well as people you meet and speak with. 

Problem, prescription, results

As for getting the results you want, these are the 3 key steps to follow:

(i) Problem - firstly, identify the challenges that have been holding you back from achieving the life and results you want. What are the main roadblocks? How can they be overcome?;

(ii) Prescription - secondly, use some fresh eyes to take a holistic view at your current situation, and then spend some time considering your personality type, life, business, and investing goals, and your aspirations for the next decade, to isolate where the shortfalls lie; and

(iii) Results! - what gets measured gets done, so keep a consistent track of your progress, and find a friend or mentor to hold you accountable for taking action and achieving your goals in a timely fashion.

You'll also find that upgrading your personal network has an enormously positive effect on your life expectations, demeanor, habits, and behaviours.

I discussed this a little further in the short video here.


P.S. Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways I can help you manage your own money and go next level wealth:

  1. Boom or Bust in 2023 – 20 minute online workshop for investors

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