20-video series #2: Travel widely, get new frames of reference, and discover what the world has to offer

lifestyle design remote work travel Dec 06, 2022

Welcome to my new 20-video series, on the 20 Next Level Wealth steps to designing and then living your dream life.

The dramatic landscape changes over the past few years have created a unique opportunity for you to design and live your dream lifestyle. 

In this 20-video series, which I filmed over a few months while travelling around Europe, I've aimed to articulate everything important that I've learned about personal finance, business, wealth, and designing an ideal lifestyle...into just 20 short blog posts. 


Frames of reference

I’m a big advocate of travel.

It’s pretty obvious that travel is what excites me, and it’s what I’m passionate about. 

I've now been to over 40 countries, and I plan to tick off many more over the next decade. 

But it’s more than just ticking numbers off a list.

Going travelling – not just sitting in a resort for a week, but perhaps disappearing off the grid, and getting away from the rat race for a year or more – can present you with a whole different world view.

New horizons

From travel you will gain all kinds of perspectives that you hadn’t previously considered, in terms of the different ways people, live, relax, travel, and do business around the world.

You might even decide that you want to design your dream life overseas, in which case there may be an opportunity to benefit from currency arbitrage (since many parts of the world are cheaper than Australia, or other parts of the developed world).

There are also countries with significantly lower tax rates, which can be appealing at various points along your journey. 

Just as importantly, travelling can serve another function, for those who are bold enough.

It can help to break the weekly and monthly dependence on a pay cheque, allowing you to taste time and location freedom…which, after all, is arguably the most valuable asset of all.

Do it sooner

Like a lot of youngsters, I did a gap year as a backpacker, which was an amazing first travelling experience which taught me a lot, but then after that I had to get stuck into a professional career. 

It took me until the age of 33 to work up the courage to go and travel the world for 15 months. 

We travelled around all of Australia, and then to about 20 countries in a single calendar year. 

Sometimes I wish I’d done it sooner, because my life has veered off in a totally different (and infinitely more interesting and satisfying) direction since.

Interrupting the pattern

This pattern interruption may also provide you with the motivation to pursue your dream life with greater drive, with a resolve to never give in.

There are numerous other well-known benefits of travel, including getting a better understanding of yourself, fuelling creativity, gaining a greater peace of mind, broadening your horizons, learning to mix with a diverse range of people, and the ability to improve your health, to name but a few. 

And, of course, it can be a heck of a lot of fun too.

Travel widely and learn new perspectives

Here's a thought for you today.

Travel as widely as you can, when you can - broaden your horizons, and, if you can, take the time out to design the dream life that you want.

Designing and then living your dream lifestyle may involve thinking a little differently or 'outside the box'.

Travelling and keeping an open mind can be an extremely valuable tools for gaining new perspectives on life and how best to live it. 

I discussed this a little further in the short video below (apologies, the sound quality was a bit scratchy on this video – but I only ever record one take, and I think my phone went for a dip that week!).

Have a listen here.


Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways I can help you manage your own money and go next level wealth:

1. Boom or Bust in 2023 – 20 minute online workshop for investors

Register for my next free online training - Boom or Bust? How to change your investment plan for 2023 - book in here

You also download a free copy of my book Total Money Management here

2. Subscribe to our Top 100 Podcast for Investors

 Listen in to our podcast - The Low Rates High Returns Show on Apple Spotify 

3. Subscribe for my free daily blog

Subscribe for my free daily blog with over 3 million hits here

You can also catch up with me daily on Twitter here, where I have over 11,000 followers. 

4. Work with me privately

For a limited time, you can book in a free 15-minute diagnosis call here

If you’d like to work directly with me directly to help you map out and action your next level wealth plan… just send an email to [email protected] with the word “private”…tell me a little about your situation and what you’d like help with, and I’ll get you all the details!