20-video series #3: Recognise that there will always be opportunities - it's got nothing to do with luck
Dec 06, 2022Welcome to my new 20-video series, on the 20 Next Level Wealth steps to designing and then living your dream life.
The dramatic landscape changes over the past few years have created a unique opportunity for you to design and live your dream lifestyle.
In this 20-video series, which I filmed while travelling around Europe, I've aimed to articulate everything important that I've learned about personal finance, business, wealth, and designing an ideal lifestyle...into just 20 short blog posts!
It’s not about luck...
We were undoubtedly born lucky to have access to the enormous resources and opportunities of a developed country like Australia.
Being a capitalist economy, there will always be new opportunities to build wealth.
When you consider how tough life must be in some other countries right now, we truly are blessed.
Follow the opportunities
For a moment, though, let's just put to one side the role of luck.
Yes, timing can be important, and being in the right place or sector at the right time certainly helps.
It can also certainly help to 'follow the money'...or go to where the money is.
Years ago, back in the resources boom years, I went to work in the mining industry, for example, largely because that's where the money was, and you could earn twice as much as in equivalent roles in other industries or sectors.
But the role of luck is often overplayed or overstated.
More important is the resolve to continue looking for opportunities and be in a position to seize them as they come along.
Of course, we all get bouts of good and bad luck.
That's a given.
What's important is how you respond to what happens, rather than what actually happens.
Treading your own path
You will undoubtedly need to overcome the fear of failure and resolve to achieve your dream life.
I know because I went through exactly the same process myself, and it isn't easy.
There are always reasons not to act, and there will always be people on hand to tell you why making an investment or starting a business is a bad idea.
They produce truisms like “if it doesn’t work out, then it could fail” or words to that effect (or other equally useless advice).
Later, they’ll also often be envious when you do succeed, emphasising how ‘lucky’ you are.
Ignore them.
Learn to tread your own path, and go for it today.
Overcoming the fear
I know it's easier said that done. I've suffered from self-doubt, and a regular fear of failure myself.
As the old saying goes, you will need to be able to feel the fear and do it anyway.
If you suffer from imposter syndrome, then don't worry...you definitely aren't alone.
Most people suffer it to some degree at various points along the journey.
Fake it until you make it! And make your own luck.
Opportunities abound
There will always be opportunities in a capitalist economy.
In fact, the wonderful thing about capitalism is that if you can add more value to more people, then you will be financially rewarded.
And this is a win-win.
The economy benefits from the great product or service you have brought to the market...and you benefit from a handsome profit or a higher salary.
Mindset is important
Some people are born to be, or decide to be, winners, and will always find a way to break through.
For most of us mere mortals, it can feel like an ongoing struggle.
One of the greatest myths is that "if only I had a big idea, then I could become wealthy."
But this is clearly a fallacy.
There are endless ideas out there, but most of them are never brought to the market, never pursued, never followed through.
What's far, far important is execution of a simple plan.
You can leverage existing ideas, and you don’t necessarily need to have a great or ground-breaking idea at all.
Indeed you could disrupt any existing industry, or simply improve upon n existing product or service.
In my opinion and experience the execution of a plan is much more important than having an original or revolutionary idea.
Be prepared for good fortune
Of course we will all experience good and bad fortune over the course of our lifetimes.
But there’s nothing we can easily do to influence that.
Although, as the golfing great Gary Player famously once said, "the harder I practice, the luckier I get!"
Or, put, another way, "luck is a dividend of sweat".
More important than being lucky is being flexible and prepared, for when those great opportunities in life do come along.
You need to be in a position in your life to seize them.
If you aren’t so prepared, then life’s big opportunities will inevitably go begging.
Be prepared, be brave, grab the opportunities when they come along…and, thus, resolve to make your own luck.
I discussed this a little further in the short video below.
Watch it here.
Whenever you’re ready…here are 4 ways I can help you manage your own money and go next level wealth:
1. Boom or Bust in 2023 – 20 minute online workshop for investors
Register for my next free online training - Boom or Bust? How to change your investment plan for 2023 - book in here
You also download a free copy of my book Total Money Management here.
2. Subscribe to our Top 100 Podcast for Investors
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4. Work with me privately
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If you’d like to work directly with me directly to help you map out and action your next level wealth plan… just send an email to [email protected] with the word “private”…tell me a little about your situation and what you’d like help with, and I’ll get you all the details!